Mother notices children playing with a small “fur ball” at the park; upon closer inspection, she sees the serious danger

Over the course of thousands of years, humans have developed reflexes and learned which animals and other things to avoid.

Although the vast majority of animals are completely harmless to people, it is nevertheless advisable to use caution when you are outside.

Before she noticed the strange ball-shaped fuzzy creature, the day had been a routine family outing. Thats what Leslie Howe did when at a little park with her children.

”It feels like a wasp sting but worse. The pain hits immediately and gets worse after the creature sticks, and can even make your bones hurt. How badly it gets stuck depends on where it gets stuck and how many tags have dug into your skin. People who’ve had it stuck on their hands have reported feeling the pain up to their shoulders and it lasting for up to twelve hours,” ethnologist Don Hall told National Geographic, according to Expressen.

The puss caterpillar’s sting has surely hurt Eric Day, manager of Virginia Tech’s Insect ID Lab. He got stung by the strange-locking caterpillar while mowing the lawn at his house in the country in Virginia.

”The burning sensation went away in a day or so, but that blister and then subsequent kind of irritated area was visible for several weeks,” he recalled.

If this caterpillar stings you, you should carefully wash the area with soap and water after using tape to remove the deadly hairs. If the sting location starts to itch, the National Capital Poison Center advises using baking powder or hydrocortisone ointment to the area. In case it gets worse, get medical help.

Puss caterpillars are very rarely deadly, but the sting could cause anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.

Take a look at the unusual and mysterious caterpillar here:

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