The moment the girl raised her hands in the air, a great thing happened. 14 dogs surrounded her.

Since ancient times, humans and dogs have shared a particular affinity that is largely a result of their striking neurological similarities.

Researchers have studied this special bond between humans and dogs for more than 30,000 years and have found evidence of many brain-related similarities between the two species.

For instance, the limbic system, which is the area of the brain in charge of emotions like love and fear, is similar in humans and dogs. This helps to explain why canines frequently exhibit empathy and seem to understand human emotions.

Dogs and people possess neuroplasticity, the brain’s capacity to adjust to environmental changes or learn new behaviors quickly, enabling them to develop close relationships.

Additionally, both people and dogs rely heavily on their senses to process information about their surroundings. Our brains are built to swiftly detect tiny indications from one other, whether visual cues like facial expressions or audio cues like verbal inflections.

When our four-legged friends meet someone new, they frequently take cues from how we act around them before judging whether or not they trust that person. In some circumstances, these communication signals are even more effective than words.

More than that, researchers have discovered that specific brain regions involved in memory formation in humans and dogs have a surprisingly similar structural makeup.

This explains why people and their canine companions can have lasting connections since their brains are structured similarly enough to store these shared memories!

It makes sense that humans and dogs have been best friends for so long, given that our brains are incredibly similar, allowing us to live together for so long and develop a deep understanding of one another’s minds!

Recent research has shed more light on the remarkable bond between a young child and several German shepherds represented in the video.

It demonstrated that the brain regions responding to emotions expressed through speech are the same in dogs and humans. This led to the conclusion that, like people, dogs love us because they are socially secure and have close relationships with us.

Experiments carried out by American researchers at Emory University in Atlanta suggested that humans and dogs had a brain area related to happy emotions in common.

Therefore, this study offers proof of what dog owners have always assumed intuitively: that their furry pets genuinely love and care for them.

This idea further explains why a young child may play so joyfully with as many as fourteen dogs, an incident that ultimately became viral on the internet, despite the widespread misconception that dogs are aggressive and dangerous around young children.

Additional studies on this subject may provide further insight into the range of emotions that animals may experience and how they react emotionally to human auditory stimuli.

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