Alabama Church Sign Sparks Outrage, Critics Say It’s ‘Offensive’

Controversy over Church Sign in Alabama

Introduction: One Christian church in Alabama stirred controversy over a phrase displayed on its sign, igniting debate within the community.

The Sign’s Content and Initial Reactions

Carters Grove Baptist Church’s Message: The sign featured a phrase related to Pride Month, accompanied by a biblical verse, sparking varied reactions.

Social Media Uproar: A Reddit post drew attention to the sign’s potential offensiveness, particularly to LGBTQ+ individuals hesitant to come out.

Diverse Community Responses

Critics’ Perspective: Some criticized the sign’s message, expressing concern about its impact on the LGBTQ+ community and their acceptance within religious spaces.

David Cleland spoke about the Carters Grove Baptist Church sign. (Credit: YouTube)

Supporters’ Viewpoint: Others defended the sign, viewing it as a sign of community unity and support for differing viewpoints.

Pastor’s Defense and Intent

Pastor’s Stance: Pastor Jim Weaver defended the sign’s message, citing biblical principles and expressing concern for individuals’ well-being.

The Wares Ferry Road Baptist Church sign (Credit: Facebook)

Purpose Behind the Sign: Weaver explained the intention behind the sign, aiming to discourage what the church deemed as “unhealthy lifestyles.”

Lindsey Dukeminier and her partner kissed beside the Wares Ferry Road Baptist Church sign. (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Misunderstanding and Clarification

Wares Ferry Road Baptist Church Incident: Another church sign in Montgomery caused offense during Pride Month, leading to a clarification from the church’s pastor.

Misinterpreted Message: The pastor clarified that the sign referred to personal pride, not targeting the LGBTQ+ community, despite initial assumptions.


Reflection on Intent: Both incidents underscored the complexities of communication and interpretation, highlighting the need for dialogue and understanding in diverse communities.

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