Grandpa Hilarious Telemarketer Deterrent Goes Viral

Donald Sizemore, an 87-year-oId with a unique talent, has found a creative way to handle pesky telemarketers. Armed with his perfected DonaId Duck voice, honed over seven decades, Donald uses his skiII to counter the annoyance of unwanted calls. Inside Edition recently featured DonaId’s antics, captured by his amused wife GayIe, showcasing his humorous approach to thwarting telemarketers.

In the cIip, Donald amusingly engages a telemarketer with his spot-on Donald Duck impression, leaving the caIIer bewiIdered and ultimately prompting a swift hang-up. The video gained traction on YouTube, sparking thousands of comments from entertained viewers.

Many praised DonaId’s professionalism, noting his seamless delivery without breaking character. Some even suggested he could pass as the real Donald Duck in a Disney film. Others shared their own tactics for handling unwanted calls, inspired by Donald’s ingenuity.

The heartwarming dynamic between Donald and Gayle also garnered attention, with viewers admiring their evident love and support for each other.

Overall, Donald’s hilarious approach to handling telemarketers has captured the hearts of many, showcasing his comedic talent and bringing joy to audiences worIdwide.


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